Thursday, March 4, 2010


Check out this sunset! We recently went on a cruise to the Bahamas! I'm going to say, I'm the worse traveler of ALL TIME! Most people gain weight on cruises I've heard....I loose weight. I was soooo sick the majority of the time, I threw up almost everyday! It was great! So I tripled up on medicine, and that seemed to work for the last two days, then when I got home I had a reaction to the overdose and I threw up for two days after...It really was super fun when I felt good, I think I'll just have to keep the flights short, and the vacations on land. We had awesome family go with us, and it really was a blast! Fun in the sun, fun drinks, hot tubs, mopeds, natives, good food, & a break from the kids..Thanks Mom, Dad, & Nicole!
The Green D&G bag was my splurge, I got the lady to go down pretty low on the price, then Matt came over and said, "just buy it" He asked for it...Thanks Honey...

This was a little shop in the Bahamas, these ladies were soo funny, they jipped ya down pretty good on price...Heather and I got little bags for our girls, this lady was putting Elly's name on her bag!


Audrey Holjeson said...

That looks like SO much fun (not the sick part though)! I wish I had someone I could trust to watch Tiff for a few days too...

Liz said...

ohhh it looks so pretty...I want a vacation bad! sorry you were sick, it serves you right though for not packing me in your bags to go with you!

Tyson and Emily said...

Vacations are awesome. I bet you guys had tons of fun! So we might be moving to Rock Springs. If we do we'll have to get together since we don't know a soul down there. My hubby has been interviewing with the Jim Bridger power plant people with Rocky Mountain Power...we'll see if he gets that.

DigandStacee said...

Yes Rachel It is true I stalk your blog. I admit it. haha You should have taken my sister Liz with you on your fun vacation. She could of at least held back your hair! : )
From Stacee

VicandNanc said...

The beaches look like heaven. Ya, I've always been worried about going on a cruise because my mom said that when she went, she was sick on the way there and my dad was sick on the way home. So when we went on a short scuba diving trip, she had all of us put dramamine patches on before we even boarded!

LACEY said...

That looks like FUN!!! I love the ocean! Oh and by the way I make that same face when I look in the mirror, just ask Lee he is always making fun of me for it!!! Oh and I love the green bag!!!