Sunday, November 16, 2008

Okay I'll be honest. I kinda wanted to rub in my birthday present. It's like my dream car, and Matt surprised me on my birthday with it. It was pretty cute. He said he wasn't going to be there for a couple more days, and he showed up that night and walked in and handed me the key. He even got some red paper and cut it all up to make a big bow. The bow didn't turn out soo good, but let's just say it was the best birthday present ever, he spoils me. Now I can look forward to not getting stuck in my driveway about 30 times with 2 small children this winter. I have to tell the funniest story on how he bought it, I seriously hadn't laughed that hard forever. Okay so Halloween night at 5:30 (dealership closes at 6, they were expecting him) He gets off work early and goes home to jump start his not so awesome car that just sits in our garage, that was like $2,000 he bought 5 years ago. He was going to trade it in. Anyway like I said it's a piece of junk (sorry honey) he's gets in the middle of an intersection and the car dies, right in the middle of construction, did I mention it was 5:30 on a Friday night in Rock Springs, CRAZY......His worst nightmare come true. I love it. Anyway there are these Mexican guys that run up and pushed him out of the way. The whole time they're talking smack on his piece of crap car and on him saying what an idiot he is. They're speaking spanish so Matt wouldn't understand. For those of you who know Matt, you know that Matt speaks spanish. He gets out of the car and agrees and tells them, yeah the car is a piece of crap. Anyway they're shocked this white guy in this piece of crap car can speak spanish. They get talking & Matt tells them he's going to buy his wife a new car for her birthday and trading in this piece of crap one. They ask how much the dealership will give him for the car, Matt replies, "about 500 bucks, if I'm lucky" They respond, "Man, I'll give you 500 bucks" so Matt says, "Will you give me 500 bucks and a ride to the dealership?" Yeah Man.....So Matt did some dirty selling on the side of the road to some Mexicans who just happened to have 500 dollars in cash, and he got a ride with about 8 of them to the dealship in a small little car. I don't know about you guys but the picture of that in my head is halarious. I know it's long, but I really wanted to share it.


Laura said...

hahaha! That's pretty funny!

Congrats on a new car! That will be so much nicer in these horrible Wyoming winters.

Jeff and Lea said...

That is a funny story. nice b-day present! I'm sure you will be lovin it with two kiddos to tow around.

Lance and Jamie said...

That is so funny about Matt. Happy late b-day and i love the car it looks way nice. Hope all is well can't wait to see this little girl. Good luck with everything
oh ya and we went private so email me if you want to see our blog

The Wuthrich Family said...

Okay so just the short while that I lived in Rocksprings the construction was a nightmare let alone getting stalled in it! So funny! I can just see Matt all mad about his car! Anyways that is so stinking funny! I was so exctied to see you the other day at conference. Too bad you left early stinking bees. Wasn't that crazy. It was nuts. Well call next time your in town!