Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BaBY NeWS.....

Hey no we haven't gotten our small child yet, but the time is definitely approaching. I'm now dilated to a 5 and almost fully effaced. My appointment is Friday morning, and if I'm dilated more, then we'll just break my water and hopefully have a baby that afternoon or night. I'll just call Matt and by the time he gets there we'll be pushing out baby. Exciting, but pretty dang scary. I just really hope she's healthy.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there!! I know what your going thorugh. At this point you are so ready!! That would be cool to have them on the same day. You just have to hold off until then and then make sure you are ready to go on friday! :) Take care! And best of luck to you!

Audrey Holjeson said...

That is so exciting! I bet you can't wait to meet her! I feel so much better now talking about this stuff now that I know what it's like... except I wish I would've seen more progress towards the end like you are...I would get so frustrated everytime I would go to the dr and nothing! But good luck with everything!! I hope Matt makes it on time!

Hillery said...

Yay! I'm so glad that you're still prego! I know its so hard at the end, specially with what you've been going through, but at least you've been able to carry her a little longer! We can't wait to see pics of baby Emerson!! Good Luck! And keep us posted!!

Hillery said...

CONGRATS!! She is so beautiful and tiny!! I'm so glad that she is here and everything is ok!! Can't wait to see her and love her!!

Jeff and Lea said...

Well at first I was going to say good luck and hope everything goes well, but reading Hillary's last comment confirms you already had her! Congrats! Can't wait to see mommy and baby girl!

Sarah Smith said...

My sister sent me a picture of the baby! Congrats she is so pretty! Love you all! Rach your so great!

Lance and Jamie said...

Congrats!!! guys she is so cute :)