Wednesday, January 27, 2010

White Trash Bedroom

Ok so there's this blog that I LOVE! It's all about home almost hurts me to give it out, but here it She's ok, but her links are awesome...I stole this idea from her, & I'm sure it's not the last one...
The Sheet Curtain....Put on some different sized buttons...Great Granny's to be exact...
It's really long so there's some puddling going on at the bottom.. (Which I love :)
THE AFTER...I put on different types of knobs I got at Home Depot....I love the Glass ones especially...

THE BEFORE...cute, but I like the looks more clean and it brightens things up a bit...

The pillows......Different shades of white & cream....I love it...Believe it or not, I didn't have to buy any fabric...Just scraps I had buried in my massive fabric pile...
I got the doile at a thrift shop for 25 cents...i can't believe I purchased a Doile...boy have I changed..but it gives it a little old time class I think the bed needed

& then.....the river....The WHite trash bedroom....Old Window & Shutters....I raided my mother's wood pile on a recent trip home, and made some old shutters...just huked on some hardware and attached to an old window...I really love the old look with the fluffy white....It's my favorite room for the time being....


Chemene said...

You are amazing at that decorating stuff. It looks so good. I love the window you made.

Kolby & Diana Romrell said...

Wow! That is so cute. I leave the decorating to Kolby. I'm gonna need some serious help when I'm not living in an apartment.

Amanda said...

Don't you just love home decor blogs? It turned out super cute! Can't wait tp see it in real life!

VicandNanc said...

Very cute, I sure wish I had the time to do such cute things. Sewing is just so NOT my thing! (but I sure wish it was)

Sarah Smith said...

U are so very crafty. Now you may come to Texas and take care of a couple of our rooms. JK but I do love all of it.. Miss you guys hope to see you this summer.