Last night Maddox woke up yet again with a way high fever. So we were up all night long. Including Emmerson. Anyway this changing table we bought for Maddox when he was a baby. It was a deep cherry wood color. Anyway a couple of days ago I felt like getting crafty and making a mess, so today I finally completed it. The crib is out in the garage awaiting its transformation. It fits her room perfectly. White and girly! P.s. it turned out WAYY better than I could've imagined. The next step, getting Matt to let me transform the kitchen cupords. 

seriously so cute! good job!
That looks great! You should get to work on your cabinets right away!
I love it! You should come work on my cabinets not yours! Hope Mattix is feeling better
Wow, I'm very impressed! This looks great! Thanks for you sweet comments. Emmy it sooooo cute, both of your kids look just like you. It is crazy to see it in your little guy and now your little girl.
We are hoping to come home in July. Not for the 4th, but like the weekend after. We should all try to get together with all of our kids. You, me, dayna, Ramona, and Alisha. I'll let you know if we are coming for sure.
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