1- Where were you when you found out? With Maddox I was in our first little one bedroom apartment, I wanted to surprise Matt, so I went to Albertsons after I got off work, when I went to check out I saw him at the check out, (he had gotten off work early and was getting us dinner to surprise me, I waited on an isle for him to leave, I didn't want him to see what I was buying. That night I took the test and came out and showed him, we were excited because we were trying only for one month. With Emmerson I was at my parents house by myself. It was 5 days before I was to have my period, and I was just excited.
2- Who did you first tell? With Maddox Matt was first to know, then with Emmerson I told Matt's mom first. She was the only one I could get ahold of. I knew she would be really really excited (she loves her grand babies)
3- Did you find out the sex of the baby? Ofcourse! I'm not the kind of person who is patient. Matt told me with Emmerson not to get to excited if they tell us it's a girl. They gave us a 80 percent that is was a girl. I couldn't stand it, I had to tell everyone. Matt was really hesitant telling people it was a girl. We got three more ultrasounds after that, and she still came out a little girl. :)
4- Did you have morning sickness? Actually I'm surprised I had another one after Maddox, I seriously threw up for three months straight. One day I actually counted how many times I threw up, 27 times in one day. Beat that! I worked 5 days a weeks from 7 am to 5pm, in a dirty nasty oil field shop, I smelt dirty old men everyday (it was horrible) I worked with a garbage can next to my desk. With Emmerson I just had to eat like crazy to keep from getting sick, I still threw up almost everyday for three months, but it was TONZ better than with my first.
5- How much weight did you gain? Ohh the weight question..I gained the exact same with both of my children....14 Lbs, and I know some people have said, "That's unhealthy" Well I think my doctor would probably have the best say on that. For those of you who know me, I eat like a horse, and I also work out a lot. I don't hit the treadmill like crazy when I'm expecting, but I do like to keep myself healthy. My doctor said it's great that I'm working out while pregnant. It's actually a lot better than sitting on the couch and watching TV. I just mostly like to go on walks while i'm pregnant, it helps me to feel good and makes delivery a lot better. Besides when I only push out 5-6 pound babies, I shouldn't gain much more than 14 Lbs. My kids were both healthy, and believe you me, I tried to eat and gain weight with Emmerson. I actually like bigger babies, I do feel like the little 5 pounders are going to break. I was on bed rest with her for almost 3 months, and I could not gain weight, I think it's just your genes or something.
6- Did you get any stretch marks? I got one right where I had my belly button pierced (the stupidest thing I have ever done) I was punished for getting that. The stretch mark is pretty small, but I lived in Palmers cocoa butter with both of my pregnancies, I almost throw up when I smell it, still to this day, being pregnant with Maddox did that to me .
7- Did you have any cravings? I just always wanted sorbet. Matt's funny, he likes watching me eat things that he knows I LOVE, seafood, and sorbet. He always would buy me differnt kinds of sorbet while I was pregnant. then he'd watch me eat it. He really took some time picking them out at the store. He would always bring me like 3 tubs back too. Wierd, but I loved it!
8- Were there any complications? Not really, Maddox was 4 weeks early and he did awesome. Emmerson also had a mucus plug that she had to cough up while she was blue, but she was fine after that.
9- When and where did you go into labor? Both times I just decided to go to the doctor and he broke my water and away we went.
10- Did your water break? NOPE
11- Who drove you to the hospital? My great scared to death mother both times. I really love her for taking care of me.
12- Who was in the room for the birth? with MAddox, My mom, Matt's mom, Ramona (really loud) Matt, tons of people outside the door, my dad was standing behind the curtain. With Emmerson My mom, Matt's mom, barely Matt.
13- Was the baby born early or late? Maddox 4 weeks early, Emmerson 2 weeks early.
14- How long were you in labor for? With Maddox I went to the doctor at 3:30 and he was born at I believe 9:08, I really only pushed for 1 hour. With Emmerson I went over at 10:30pm or something like that, and she was born at 2:15. I think I'm pretty bad at times. I only pushed for 15 minutes with her. I THINK> Matt's mom might read thins and correct me on a few things.
15- Did you have any drugs for the pain? You bet ya! (my dad always says that) pretty funny! Ofcourse I did i'm not stupid. I felt nothing with MAddox, I felt a few contractions with Emmerson and I HATED IT, give me the drugs...NOW!
16- Natural or c-section? ALL NATURALLL BABY!
17- What was your first reaction after birth? I laughed with Maddox, he grabbed the sizzors and the doctor's hand and the doctor was hand tied, Matt was all shocked the baby was finally out, it was like he was stunned and couldn't move, I had to reach my hand up there and get the babies hand off the sizzors....typical men.
18- How big was the baby? Crap I hope I get this right. Maddox 5'11, Emmerson 5'8
19- Date and time of birth? Maddox, April 13 06 9:08pm or 9:05pm, Emmerson, Nov 21 08 2:15am
20- Baby's name?Maddox James Tarbet, Emmerson Kate Tarbet
21- Does the name have any significant meaning? I loved the name Maddox, Matt loved the name James, and we both just loved Emmerson Kate
22- Did the baby have any complications? NOPE
23- How old is the baby today? one month away from 3 years, and 1 week over 3 months.
25- Would you change anything about it? I wish I would have had the epidural sooner with Emmerson. Why feel it if you don't have too ya know. Also I just really wish I wouldn't dialate so soon with my kids. It's a lot of worrying, when I think that's just my bodies way of having a baby.
Monday, February 23, 2009
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Having babies is a crazy thing. It's amazing we keep having them after the first. Good thing God makes us forget most of it!
Thanks for sharing your stories. Baby stories are great. You just can't understand how amazing and hard it is until you actually do it!
I just have to say thank you for the comment. I have been really down on myself lately. Hating everything about me. I think pregnancy gives you a bad self image of yourself. I feel so fat and ugly all the time and have been debating about wether I should cut my hair or not. So it made me cry when I read that. I appreciate it. Thank you! Talk to you later
Loved reading this post! I can't believe you puked that much in one day! I never was sick with my girls. A lot of women have told me they hate me for that. Anyways your kiddos are so dang cute. Emmerson is just so pretty! Take care.
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