Sunday, February 1, 2009

CLeVer lItTle BEaneRs

I just recently read one of my friends blogs and she was listing all the things that her little boy says that are halarious. She mentioned that she thinks she will always remember, but she never does, so I thought I'd post some of Maddox's moments.
-We were in church today and I had just came back from taking care of Emmerson. Right when I sat down Max yells, "Poop Mom." I looked at Matt with disgust. (We've been potty training for a really long time now, and he still hasn't grasped the concept) Anway Matt was laughing and decided to show me something. He tried to pick Maddox up and sit him on his lap, when Maddox yelled really loudly, "No, my poop guys" He didn't want Matt to squish his poop in his pants. Turns out the little stinker didn't even poop, he just peed.
-He always adds "yet" on the end of everything. "Baby sister ready go....... yet?"
-The other day I told him that he was adorable, his reply, "No me not durble, me Maxy.......yet?"
-This is really sad, because he's said so many funny things, but I can't remember, when I do they'll be more to come.


Sarah Smith said...

Way funny Kids are great!! That Cake is way good!! You both did a really good job. I wish i had that kind of talent!! love you lots

Wright's said...

That is so cute! You guys are a cute family! Our blog is us! -Travis and Krysta