I Know what you're all thinking. Who was awesome enough to make a Kung Fu Panda? Well you're right, the awesome ones were us. Maddox loves Kung Fu Panda, what little kid doesn't? Anyway Matt got the brillant idea instead of our usual 8 foot snowman, to try and build a panda. Anyway we thought about it, thought about what things would work, we came up with some spray paint, and a sweet red kung fu belt. This was the outcome. Anyway Matt was pretty proud of it, and Maddox thought it was pretty alright himself. I think we did a good job, it was fun. My mom is probably the most festive person on the planet, so we went ahead a built her an 8 foot snowman like I promised. The second picture is a picture of me next to our awesome snowman. Matt wanted a height comparison, so the shortest person ever stood next to it. It was pretty tall. Matt's already got ideas for next years masterpiece. Ps. Max was super scared of the snowman...

I also love Kung Fuuuuu! Awesome snow-panda and snow man. I'm jealous of the Tarbet family's creative genius. But, I am especially jealous that you are so skinny! This mom is still sporting the post-pregnancy chub!
That is one awesome Panda Bear... and snowman.
Cute Cute Cute!!!! (yeah I'm talking about you!!!) But your snowman and panda are pretty cute too! LOL
These snow figures are AWESOME!!! ...especially Kung-Fu!... I loved that movie!!
Wow, these are great! Love the black belly button on the panda. Lol, that you were the shortest person to stand next to the huge snowman! Tell your parents hi for me. It was great seeing them. They are great as ever!
Nice job. You guys did great. Their awesome. That snowman is huge.
way cute panda. MaCady loves that movie. Look at you sexy mama next to that hotty snowman!! LOL Cute family. Becka
I'm impressed that you made such a TALL snowman.
My girls love the Kung Fu Panda. They saw it and starting singing the Kung Fu Fighting song from the movie. Hilarious!
Hey Rachel, Liz Stott here I am going to go ahead and add you to my blog list if that is okay? Have a safe trip to Idaho! I hope the baby sleeps!
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